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「如果我們的語言是威士忌。」—— 村上春樹。
與藝術收藏相同,威士忌培養了一群志同道合的藏家,他們分享知識、經驗和熱情。今晚我們邀請知名威士忌藏家,分 享他的收藏,透過當代藝術展覽與酒藏展示,藏家們彼此間進行對話,豐富了他們對所選收藏的理解和欣賞。
從酒廠到混合過程、醞釀者的智慧和時間的流逝,威士忌不停地累積著自身故事,吸引著愛好者深入探究其豐富的風味、 陳化過程和蒸餾技術。而藝術收藏也不僅僅是收購行為:它是一場探索和解釋的旅程。藏家沉浸在每件作品中編織的敘 事中,與藝術家表達的情感和思想產生共鳴。如同一瓶珍稀的威士忌擁有的無限深度,一件有價值的藝術品也因其獨特 的表現形式和文化意義而散發著光。
長期以來,isart gallery御書房藝廊都希望能透過藝術品將美好帶入人們的日常之中。 現在就讓我們邀請大家當晚一同到御書房藝廊,一睹珍稀的威士忌藏品,並在啜飲佳釀的同時,共享藝術與生活的美好。
“If our language is whisky” -Haruki Murakami
Whether it’s collecting fine wines or art, a deep understanding and research are necessary to truly appreciate their value and charm.
Similar to art collecting, whiskey has cultivated a community of like-minded collectors who share knowledge, experiences, and passion. Tonight, we invite a renowned whiskey collector to share his collection. Through contemporary art exhibitions and whiskey displays, collectors engage in dialogue, enriching their understanding and appreciation of their chosen collections.
Through whiskey tasting, we can experience the rich flavors and cultural history contained within whiskey.
From the distillery to the blending process, the wisdom of the distillers, and the passage of time, whiskey continuously accumulates its own stories, attracting enthusiasts to delve into its rich flavors, aging processes, and distillation techniques. Art collecting is not just an act of acquisition; it is a journey of exploration and interpretation. Collectors immerse themselves in the narratives woven into each piece, resonating with the emotions and thoughts expressed by the artists. Just as a rare whiskey possesses infinite depth, a valuable artwork radiates light through its unique forms of expression and cultural significance.
Beauty and creativity are the universal languages of life, essential for enriching life.
For a long time, isart gallery has hoped to bring beauty into people’s daily lives through artworks. We invite you to isart gallery tonight, to catch a glimpse of rare whiskey collections. While savoring fine spirits, let’s share the beauty of art and life together.
Entry Information | 入場方式
Limited Capacity – Access with VIP invitation QR code RSVP Essential
座位有限,需預約並持台北當代VIP QR碼入場
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