BMW firmly believes that perfect artworks stem from artists’ groundbreaking creativity, much like how BMW continuously seeks new challenges and thrives.  BMW has returned as the official partner of Taipei Dangdai for the sixth consecutive year, reaffirming its commitment to supporting creativity and the arts.  Since its collaboration with Taipei Dangdai in 2019, BMW’s official importer, Pan General Motors (PGM) has further showcased support and emphasis on contemporary art and cultural creative industries.

At the Taipei Dangdai Art Fair, which gathers top international galleries and collectors, BMW will provide BMW owners and Taipei Dangdai VIPs with an exclusive VIP experience.  Not only will they enjoy VIP-guided tours and art previews, but they will also have access to BMW’s new luxury flagship model, THE 7, a vehicle that exemplifies the brand’s commitment to exceptional design and engineering.  Through its exquisite craftsmanship, innovative design, and forward-thinking philosophy, BMW will embody its brand philosophy of ‘Forwardism – Redefining the Extraordinary,’ shaping a bespoke luxury experience exclusive to BMW and Taipei Dangdai.

BMW 深信偉大的藝術誕生於藝術家的執著與創造力,正如 BMW 始終以創新精神迎接挑戰、超越工藝極限。BMW全球長期支持藝術與文化創意的發展,BMW 總代理 汎德更自 2019 年首屆台北當代藝術博覽會起,持續參與這場亞洲藝術盛會,與國際級藝廊、收藏家密切交流。2025年適逢BMW Art Car 50 周年,總代理汎德將與所有藝文同好分享,BMW 50年來與20位國際重量級藝術家合作的經典藝術車之作,並同步於本次展覽會發表最新版 BMW Art Guild ,以全新視角探索藝術與駕馭的無限可能。

在這場匯聚國際頂尖藝廊與收藏家的藝術盛會中,BMW 更為車主及台北當代貴賓精心打造專屬禮遇—尊享私人藝術導覽、BMW 7系列豪華旗艦領軍的尊榮接駁服務。透過卓越造車工藝與前瞻設計,BMW 實踐「顛覆不凡」的磅礴風範,攜手台北當代,締造極致奢華的藝術體驗。

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