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台北當代官方合作夥伴Gucci為持續傳遞品牌對於時尚與藝術對話承諾,將「GUCCI ANCORA 時尚藝術展演」巡迴至臺南市美術館限期展出,讓更多人能近距離欣賞由Gucci創意總監Sabato De Sarno親自操刀設計精選春夏女裝系列及米蘭空運來臺展出的四位新銳藝術家作品。此次巡迴為加深義大利時尚之都米蘭與臺灣在地文化深度連結,Gucci特別邀請義大利米蘭新銳藝術家 Valerio Eliogabalo Torrisi 以「文字」進行創作,並委任本月剛獲得「臺北電影節卓越貢獻獎」肯定的國寶級畫師顏振發師傅與臺南藝術家蔡濰任共同協作,於南美館外牆打造出這座全臺史上最大手繪巨幅文字藝術牆。展覽更設有VR體驗區,讓參觀者得以透過虛擬實境裝置以全新方式體驗更多關於GUCCI時尚美學。
Taipei Dangdai’s official partner, Gucci, is steadfast in its commitment to fostering an ongoing dialogue between fashion and art. As part of this dedication, the “GUCCI ANCORA” is now embarking on a tour, making its debut at the Tainan Art Museum. This exhibition offers an exclusive opportunity for a wider audience to intimately explore a curated selection of Gucci’s Spring/Summer women’s wear collection, meticulously crafted under the guidance of Gucci’s Creative Director, Sabato De Sarno. Additionally, the exhibition showcases the works of four emerging artists from Milan, marking their premiere showcase in Taiwan. Gucci has commissioned Valerio Eliogabalo Torrisi, a rising Milanese artist, to create artworks utilizing the medium of “text.” Furthermore, Gucci has collaborated with Master Yen Chen-fa, a distinguished artist recently honored with the “Taipei Film Festival Outstanding Contribution Award,” alongside Tainan-based artist Cai Weiren, to collaboratively produce the largest hand-painted text art wall in Taiwan, adorning the façade of the South American Pavilion.
Entry Information | 入場訊息
Please RSVP via Gucci Line Official Account | 請至 GUCCI LINE 官方帳號完成預約
Notes | 注意事項
This exhibition operates on a LINE online reservation system only and does not allow on-site queuing. Each account that completes check-in may make a new reservation for event sessions after the exhibition ends at 6:00 PM on the same day. For any schedule changes, please cancel your reservation first and then select a new date and time. The organizer reserves the right to make final modifications, changes, interpretations, and cancellations of the event. The latest entry time for the exhibition is 5:30 PM.
此展演僅提供 LINE 線上預約制,不開放現場排隊。