Cultural Partners

Whether spotlighting their world-leading corporate art collections or introducing transgressive interventions by emerging artists from the local art scene, the Cultural Partners program represents integral components of the art infrastructure. Exhibiting partners include UBS Art Studio, CTBC Foundation for Arts and Culture, Hong Foundation and Jut  Art Museum.

UBS Art Studio

UBS Art Studio showcases recent publications about the UBS Art Collection and digital content demonstrating the firm’s long history of supporting contemporary art, artists and their craft. The UBS Art Collection is considered one of the most important corporate collections of contemporary art in the world. It currently includes more than 30,000 paintings, works on paper, photographs, sculptures, videos, and installations. Displayed in UBS offices globally, the Collection features works by emerging talents and established masters from the 1960s to the present.

蘇煌盛 Su Huang-Sheng (1987- ) 今宵多珍重 Cherish Every Moment Before Tonight 水墨、礦物顏料、絹本 Ink, mineral pigment on silk 38×292cm 2021年作 Painted in 2021 局部 (Detail)

CTBC Foundation for Arts and Culture

CTBC Foundation for Arts and Culture is committed to promoting art and culture, showcasing a collection of paintings that represent the modern and contemporary art history of Taiwan. The exhibition featured the paintings by Wang Pan-Youn and Chang Kuang-Bin from the collection of CTBC Bank, and Su Huang-Sheng’s work from the foundation’s collection. Wang Pan-Youn’s To Wish combines the texture of oil painting with the airy and fluid qualities of watercolor also incorporates imagery reminiscent of traditional ink painting. Chang Kuang-Bin employs techniques such as “scattered-dot cùn” and “ordered-dot cùn” to depict landscapes in his ink-on-paper works An Ancient Road in-between Two Creeks, The Echo in the Mountain Valley, and A Landscape of Deep Gullies and High Cliffs. In the last, the recipient of Merit Award of the inaugural CTBC Painting Prize, Su Huang-Sheng, presents his ink and mineral pigment on silk work Cherish Every Moment Before Tonight. This piece reflects the innovative interpretation of traditional media by young artists, distilling it into his distinctive artistic vocabulary.

"Credit Makes You Free," Image courtesy of the artist and Hong Foundation.

Hong Foundation

As the Key Culture Partner for the 2024 Taipei Dangdai Art Fair. The Hong Foundation commissions artist Cheng Hsien-Yu (recipient of its 2019 Tung Ching Prize,) to transform a booth into a bait with an ulterior motive: as potential collectors step into the space, the artwork is triggered, initiating the choice to trade. Within this global art market mechanism involving artists, galleries and collectors, Cheng Hsien-Yu assigns the power of “pricing” to all, this act of pricing participation thus becomes an art work where everyone can play a part in determining its final asking price which will be the artist’s commission fees, compelling us to reconsider the exchange values we arbitrarily set on human attributes such as pranks, inspiration, creativity, or art.

Jut Art Museum

Established in 2016, the Jut Art Museum(JAM) is the first museum in Taiwan that is focused on the issues of “future” and “city”, exploring transdisciplinary issues.  In Taipei Dangdai 2024, Jut Art Museum will present the groundbreaking work “Transfiguration” by the esteemed British art collective “Universal Everything”. This work portrays a figure in perpetual motion, symbolizing the ongoing evolution of life and the emergence of new creativity.

“Transfiguration” embodies Jut Art Museum’s enduring vision for future potentials, sharing Jut Foundation for Arts and Architecture(JFAA)’s belief in “A Better Tomorrow” with all visitors.

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