Cafe Culture | 咖啡文化

Cafe Culture is a new lounge area within Taipei Dangdai featuring a large-scale map where visitors can learn more about the exhibitions on view at a wide selection of museums and other art institutions in Taipei and across Taiwan, such as  Kaohsiung Museum of Art, Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts and Winsing Arts Foundation. Cafe Culture will also feature a selection of art by local children offered for sale by Little Art, with proceeds going to charity.

咖啡文化(Cafe Culture),是展會現場增闢的休息區。該區將陳列大型台灣藝文地圖,讓觀眾一覽台灣各地博物館及藝術機構的當季展演資訊,包含高雄市立美術館桃園市立美術館關渡美術館文心藝術基金會等單位。本區也將呈現由 Little Art 天才巧克力幼兒塗鴉空間規劃展出精選兒童藝術作品並進行販售,所得款項將做公益之用。


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