Taipei Platform | 台北開放平台

Taipei Platform collaborates with diverse independent cultural institutions and other partners, who invite visitors to participate in workshops, tours and pop-up events. The program offers an expansive view of the local cultural ecosystem, and will this year partner with Artpartment, PAPERMATTER, PE Fine Art and Giloo, dmp projects and Fotobook DUMMIES Day.

台北開放平台(Taipei Platform)與來自不同領域的獨立文化機構合作,將於展會期間舉行工作坊、藝術導覽及快閃活動等多元節目,提供在地文化藝術生態面面觀。今年的參與夥伴包含:Artpartment 藝術公寓PAPER MATTER埤益 PE Fine ArtGiloo 紀實影音dmp projects傻瓜書日 Fotobook DUMMIES Day 等。

*Please note all workshops will be in Mandarin Chinese. Attendees need to present a valid ticket or invitation to access the fair.

Workshops and Pop-up Events | 工作坊與活動

10 May | 5月10日


Twee Molar

魔法杖立體花藝工作坊 Magic Floral Wand Collage Workshop

在台北當代魔法杖立體花藝工作坊中,一同踏上魔法花藝之旅。透過各種複合媒材,如乾燥花材、紙張 拼貼、布料、緞帶、廢才…等方式,以故事性的手法,製作屬於自己獨一無二的魔法杖。這些杖不僅可以優雅地懸掛,還可以經久不衰地盛放在花瓶中。

Embark on a magical journey of floral artistry with the Magic Floral Wand Collage Workshop. Utilizing mixed media such as dried flowers, paper, fabric, ribbons, and recycled materials, participants will craft their own unique magic wands with a narrative touch. These wands can not only hang elegantly, but can also be displayed in a vase, adding charm to any space.


FU Food 福福

農業產銷班 Agricultural Production and Marketing Group

由美學切入⺠食,以菜餚、食材、食品、食譜等等作為視覺素材的平台。FU Food 福福討論食物在人文、自然之中所扮演的角色,參加者將在工作坊中近距離地的觀察蔬果的不同切面,看透表皮深至果肉,並用蓋印重組蔬果的紋理。

FU Food explores the role of food in humanity and nature. Participants will closely observe various cuts of fruits and vegetables during the workshop, from skin to flesh, and will use stamping techniques to reconstruct the textures of these fruits and vegetables. 



dmp projects / 合作藝術家:羅智信

台北當代卡達露骨 Cataloging Taipei Dangdai



Inspired by the collaboration between dmp and artist Luo Jr-Shin  in 2018, “Cataloging Taipei Dangdai” serves as both a catalog and an exhibition album. In this workshop, we will introduce the comprehensive planning and editing concepts of this book, guiding participants to gather ready-made materials within Taipei Dangdai. Together, we will ultimately create a Taipei Dangdai version of “Catalog.” 

*Participants are required to bring their own photo tools, such as cell phones and digital cameras.

11 May | 5月11日



影像實驗室 Video Lab

Giloo 影像實驗室將播放「一切順心」,首次發表於2023綠島人權藝術季,Candy Bird 以新冷戰情勢下的台灣為背景杜撰日記,想像在台情報人員之生活,藝術家以此轉化為錄像,回應現今鄰國強權威脅下,關於人權概念的思考。另一部影片藝術家登曼波(楊登棋)在《塑膠禮儀》中對家鄉東勢山城的客家身份認同的反思。他以個人成長經驗中的環境、節慶、禮俗為靈感,展現出豔麗色調和當地口語中的人物形象“阿比百”,試圖探究成展經驗中的陰柔美感認同並將以實驗影像的方式呈現。

​In this workshop, Giloo will present two videos: one reflects on the concept of human rights, and the struggles in interpersonal relationships, while the other reflects on the Hakka identity of the artist’s hometown, Dongshi Mountain City, in “Ā bǐ bǎi”.


Artpartment 藝術公寓

珠珠花藝課 Jewel Jewel Floral Class

藝術公寓的珠珠花藝課將複合媒材的串珠組合成植物與花卉,你可以自由的彎曲和盡情的選色,以藝術公寓的瓶器為基底,完成一堂無拘無束的花藝課。欲報名此工作坊,請聯繫舉辦單位Artpartment 藝術公寓。

Artpartment’s bead floral course transforms mixed-media beads into botanical wonders. Participants will be invited to craft floral arrangements using Artpartment’s vases, in a class that’ is both relaxed and creatively boundless.


Fotobook DUMMIES Day 傻瓜書日

歐版二刷翻書會 Tropical Reading: Photobook and Self-publishing 

《熱帶導讀:攝影書與自出版》(2022)首刷售盡後,今年度由荷蘭的Limestone Books 再刷。本次的翻書會將聊聊初版與二版的不同之處,並帶來檔案庫裡新納入的東南亞攝影書作,以及少量的二刷新書。

After the first print run of ‘Tropical Reading: Photobooks and Self-publishing’ (2022) sold out, it is being reprinted this year by Limestone Books in the Netherlands. This book review will explore the differences between the first and second editions and present newly Southeast Asian photo books from the archive, as well as a small number of second edition copies for purchase at the fair.

12 May | 5月12日


Bridge Hole 橋洞

華沙遊戲 Warsaw Game

概念來自具前瞻性的波蘭建築師 Oskar Hansen,並由挪威卑爾根建築學校創辦人 Svein Hatløy 發展完善,華沙遊戲鼓勵包容與協作,可被視為無作者的個人與集體行動。工作坊參與者將透過與環境的互動、隨手可得的材料,和共同身在遊戲的其他人們觀察學習、相互回應。

Conceptualized by the forward-thinking Polish architect Oskar Hansen and developed by Svein Hatløy, founder of the Architecture School in Bergen, Norway, Warsaw Games encourage inclusivity and collaboration, and can be regarded as anonymous individual and collective actions. Workshop participants will learn and respond to each other through interaction with the environment, readily available materials, and observation of others involved in the game.


PE Fine Art 埤益 

啾啾 Chirp Chirp 

這個工作坊提供了一個小時的共同體驗,專為喜歡在群眾面前表達自己的劇場和藝術愛好者設計。我們將跟隨埤益2024 的合作夥伴李立中、乃昀楊等人的藝術路線,利用空間打造劇場設置,進行一場簡短的即興劇。不同的詩意、理論和聲音輸入將有助於共同構建這個環境,圍繞著在一個半人半鳥的工廠裡製作羽毛裙的情境。

The workshop is designed for theater and art enthusiasts who like to express themselves in front of a crowd. Together, participants will create a theater setup for a short improvisational play. Different poetic, theoretical and sonic inputs will help to construct this setting around the production of feather dresses in a half-human, half-bird-run factory.



藝術家書籍實驗室:媒材與技術 Artists’ Books Laboratory : Materials and Technology 

藝術家書籍是如何兼容「物質性」和「編輯性」,將理念配置在動態翻閱的感官經驗之中?製書實驗室將以藝術家書籍文獻庫(ABA)的典藏作品為座標,探索書籍媒材的認知體系及其裝幀技術的辯證關係,協助參與者們釐清出版作為藝術實踐的生成邏輯。 ​ 

Using the Artists’ Book Archive (ABA) collection as a benchmark, this workshop will explore the dialectic between the cognitive system of the book’s medium and its binding techniques, and help participants to clarify the generative logic of publishing as an artistic practice. 


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